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  • Writer's pictureFarah Jamal

Daisy Lane Books

Updated: May 30, 2020

A Bookshops In Pictures


Barry Townsend-Cardew owns and runs Daisy Lane Books, inheriting the shop from his parents. He lives upstairs and owns over 2,000 books himself.


There are no physical records of any of the books stocked, with all books catalogued in the owners head.


Originally, Barry’s parents were planning on turning the bookshop into a post office, but due to many post offices being robbed in the late 80s, they decided to keep it as a bookshop


May 2020 marks the shops 30th year, with 16,000 to 20,000 books currently, with the most being 25,000


It started with just a box full of books, with genres ranging from the most common to the rarest.


‘Gerry’ the ginger cat is a regular visitor to the shop

“Not many of us left now but we’ll keep going for as long as we can” - Barry

“I want people to come here and wander and examine”, says Barry, his reasoning for the lack of online presence


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